Rabbit housing. In Kenya, goat milk production costs less than cow’s milk. There are few, if any, countries where domestic rabbits are not kept for meat and pelts. Goats multiply They can kid twice a year and often produce twins or triplets. But Grace Mumbi, 44, is doing just that. We at Graduate Farmer aim to inspire, empower and provide working solutions for young men and women who want to start and grow profitable agribusiness ventures in Kenya. Housing with raised slatted floor (1.5 to 2 square metres per animal). Provide roughages (like Napier grass) and Napier grass should be chopped into approximately 3-cm-long pieces. Many farmers in Kenya would like to keep dairy cows but do not have the money to buy animals and build zero-grazing units or sufficient land to grow enough feed. Figure 10.56 House for 12 to 18 sheep-goads in intensive dairy production. Get a livestock movement permit (if goat is being acquired from outside your district). Create demand by telling people about benefits of goat’s milk. Dairy Goat Housing Floor Plans. READ ALSO: Dairy farm record keeping in Kenya . Half a hectare of Napier grass can support five dairy goats but only one dairy cow. The tassels (toggles) occur in up to 30% of the population. She keeps 1 litre for her family and sells the rest. If I close it in there, when do I oen it to have the animal take some water? The highest recorded milk yield in the tropics is 800 Kg in 205 days lactation or 3.9 Kg/day. Failure to treat goats, especially those that graze, can result in blood loss, thin animals and death. Their colour ranges from pure white to pure black with various intermixes of roan and speckled brown. Step 2: Construct the goat house. But if you want to establish a profitable commercial goat farm, then you must have to build a suitable house for your goats. Often times old dairy cattle stanchion barns are used for dairy goat housing. But have you ever considered keeping dairy goats as a more affordable and appropriate option? Construct a raised goat house with a slatted floor, including an outdoor exercise area for the goats. You should purchase high-quality breed. Goats are not fussy about any aesthetics of their shelter but they don't like a wet and cold place. GF Drip Irrigation Kit (Complete System with Fittings). Design Of A Goat House - Have home dream of perhaps is one of ideals largest for your every family. Quality materials which are locally available can greatly reduce costs. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The breed is used to upgrade local goats. Photo courtesy. Mix cement, sand and ballast in the ration of 1:2:3. Christmas Goats For Sale KSh 9,000. located in kinale along nairobi - nakuru highway ... We have bucks from the high quality dairy goat breed for sale between 4-12months months at very affordably price. Libido is observed by the ability of the male to vigorously detect and mate with females on heat.These qualities will ensure successful. The necessary facilities for goats includes sufficient supply of clean and fresh water, a market near the farm, necessary veterinary services available, good transportation facilities with the nearest town or market etc. Mrs. Eunice Oketch – a mother of seven from Kajulu village in Winam Division, Nyanza Province, Kenya, was among the first members of her community to take up dairy goat- keeping.That was in 2003: at that time her neighbouring farmers did not believe dairy goat-keeping was possible and none consumed goat’s milk. Vaccinate pregnant females against pulpy kidney and tetanus 2 to 3 weeks before kidding and vaccinate kids at 6 months of. Click HERE to buy our GF Drip Irrigation Kit, The GF1 Submersible Solar Water Pump Kit has a total lift of 100m and can pump 720 litres per hour. Hi Faith, happy you are interested in doing this. Most dairy goats are owned by women thus supplementing their, Goat’s milk can sell at more than three-times the price of cow’s milk and contains twice as much vitamin A – essential for growth in children and prevention of eye, The fat and protein content in goat’s milk is more easily digested than that in cow’s, Goat’s milk can be beneficial for people with stomach ulcers and is an excellent alternative for people who are allergic to cow’s, Goat’s milk can generate value-added products, such as cheese and, Older female goats and surplus males can be slaughtered or sold for, Goats can consume shrubs that are not eaten by other. Mrs Oketch was given two dairy goats by Africa Now, an NGO.The goats were given on a ‘payback system’: three years later she was able to pay back three kids, which have been passed on to other local farmers. The dairy animals under lose system of housing are grouped together based on their age in case of growing animals and based on their physiological condition when they are adults. www.Farmers.co.ke is the site for authoritative multimedia agricultural and agribusiness content. Average farm size is decreasing as plots are sub-divided and farmers in Kenya struggle to find space on their farms to grow subsistence and cash crops as well as keep livestock. Goats can be kept for their milk and meat, depending on what you are interested in. Before building house for goats, read the following tips very carefully. Often times old dairy cattle stanchion barns are used for dairy goat housing. After you have set up the housing (goat pens) for keeping your goat, the next step is to purchase your breed. Loose stalls which measure 1.8 m x 1.8 m, and 1.2m high may house up to 10 kids. The two principle housing designs for goats are open housing and confinement housing. Goats can be kept for their milk and meat, depending on what you are interested in. The floor should slope towards the end of the building where manure is stored in a pit about 3-5m away from the stable. Open Housing. Identify a good breeding male goat which has no deformities, with two well-developed testicles, strong feet and legs, good body condition and high libido. You can start a goat farming in Kenya with low investment. One or more female dairy Breeds include Toggenburg, German Alpine, Saanen and crosses with the Galla. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Feeding, housing and general management is still a big problem among dairy goat owners. There are plenty of grazing land and nature. A goat does not like to graze on the ground like a sheep or cow Goats like feeding at knee height up to head height So they like to feed above the ground often standing on their hind legs and resting their fore legs up on the bush or goat house wall. Commercial goat farmers may pick a side because the care of dairy and meat goats will differ slightly in ways that affect production. The recommended standard width is 4ft or 120cm and standard length of 7ft or 210cm. Bucks may be housed in stalls measuring 2.4 … There are many dairy goat breeds in Kenya today. Age at first mating should be about 16 Breeding too early can result in weak kids and stunted females. Your email address will not be published. Ensure the newborn kid suckles immediately after The goat’s first milk helps protect the kid from diseases, gets its digestive system working and is especially nutritious. Thank You For Voting Graduate Farmer Best Agricultural Blog in Kenya in 2017! Open housing, also referred to as loose housing, may be used successfully in the Southwest. Dairy goats are improved breeds bred for milk They are very different from local breeds and produce more milk – up to 12 times more! Having the correct plans for building an ideal shelter for your dairy goats can make all the difference when it comes to protection, organization, and feeding. Vaccinate against orf (scabby mouth disease) at 2 months of Orf can also affect farmers – so wear protective clothing, such as overalls, when handling your goats and wash your hands well with soap and water afterwards. Some important aspects that must be taken into account in designing housing for dairy animals are: - Optimum comfort for the animal so that it will produce most. Dairy goats farming in Kenya has doubled in recent years following an increased interest in the venture by most farmers in the country. When animals are allowed to run loose in a pen, instead of being hitched, they will search for the most comfortable spots. Moreover, wetness causes many diseases in them, so always design a shed that can keep them warm and dry. Goat Farming in Kenya: Kenya is a beautiful place for raising goats for meat and milk. Successful dairy farming in Kenya is a gift not only to the farmers, but also to the community that consumes milk, and to the country's economy at large. The current world record 3430 Kg per lactation in temperate regions. And how many times does it have to leave the cubicle? Helpful and resourceful article for housing plan for livestock with zero grazing technology, showing the sense of importance for a simple cattle walking and manure places. Breeding females should have good body condition and a soft udder, two functional teats and strong teeth and legs. Mature male weigh about 75 Kg and females 50 – 65 Kg. Be informed on livestock farming methods and trends, Download the recommended zero grazing housing here, For Sale Electric scooter citycoco 3000W motor with 20ah bat, Day old to month old improved kienyeji chicks, Brachiaria grass will make your cow produce more milk, Choosing the best rabbit breeds for your farm, Making the best out of artificial insemination service in cattle, Starting a successful commercial dairy farming business the right way, Successes and failures in dairy farming in Kenya, The resting and sleeping cubicle or compartment, The cattle forage, feeding and watering place. Housing for kids varies from place to place. The various categories of dairy animals may be formed such as milking cows, dry and pregnant cows, down-calvers, bulls, heifers and the calves. Goats by nature are very tolerant of all kinds of weather and can adapt to many different styles of housing, some of which can be simple and inexpensive. Half an acre of napier grass is needed to feed one dairy cow, while the same can feed 5 dairy goats. Increase supplement by ½ kg per day during the last month of When in milk, allow ½ kg of supplement for every 3 litres of milk produced. Required fields are marked *. These are the goats reared for milk. Insights on profitable dairy goat farming in Kenya: The Small East African Goat. All rights reserved. There are also other low budget ways to house goats. Wangeci is among a group of dairy farmers in Kiambu who have switched from cattle to a new cash cow – the dairy goat. Market for the surplus milk, added-value products and goats, Indigenous female goats for crossing if one intends to upgrade using a male goat of a dairy breed, Identify sources of fodder to last a whole One option is to plant a plot of Napier grass to provide the bulk feed and some high-protein fodder shrubs, such as. Before buying and moving your goats, consult with the nearest veterinary office for vaccinations, permits and any other relevant information. (d) Housing requirement/animal (See Table 44.1 and 44.2): Following would be strength of herd for 100 milk animals and followers: Comparative Merits of Loose Housing and Cow House (Bam System): In addition to milking goats, Mrs Okech also has three young goats and is keen to expand her flock further. Our … After you have set up the housing (goat pens) for keeping your goat, the next step is to purchase your breed. Each day, Mrs Okech gets around 4 litres of milk from her goats. Energy supplements include molasses, cereals. More distant markets are best accessed by joining or forming a local dairy goat-keepers’ association. I am I’m need of a professional farm guide/field worker who can direct me and my husband on how to start and establish a goat farm. Importance of Motivation and Passion in Farming, Wefarm connects over 300,000 farmers in Kenya and Uganda. Dairy Goat Breeds in Kenya. Provide a roof over the resting and sleeping compartment in order to provide shade and to prevent the area from getting wet and dirty. She needs a bigger flock – she is currently unable to meet the rapidly growing local demand as more and more people get to know about the benefits of consuming goat’s milk. Introduction to Goat Housing or Shed:-Goat shed or housing plays important role in any successful commercial goat farming.Based on number of goats, you should plan for goat housing. Goat milk brings more income per litre than cow’s milk. Introduction to Goat Housing or Shed:-Goat shed or housing plays important role in any successful commercial goat farming.Based on number of goats, you should plan for goat housing. Replace breeding animals at 9 years of age or earlier if they fail to become. 2.5-3ft or 90cm long feed troughs per cow can be constructed using woods, stonesor concrete. Types: Goats 38. pure Goats 4. Kindly reply as soon as possible. Graduate Farmer aims is to empower young men and women from becoming job seekers to creators through the agribusiness value chain. Make added-value products such as cheese Time breeding to supply milk when demand is, greatest (dry season) – provided you can feed your. Ensure some necessary facilities are available in your selected land. Keeping dairy goats in Kenya is a profitable venture if all the requirements are taken into consideration. Local markets are readily available for goat’s milk.Try your local hospitals, children’s homes and individual households.Tell your customers about the benefits of goat’s milk. Tip! The floor of the house can be constructed from ordinary soil from the farm. Free-stall and tie-stall housing, similar to the types used in bovine dairy operations, are designed for goats. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The cubicle of a dairy cow shed has three distinct areas The following is the recommended housing plan for a small scale zero grazing unit. Housing of the goat A simple housing built using locally available materials is recommended to save on cost. How can one connect with you for more advise. Time to eliminate relaxation the finished work as well as enjoy the atmosphere with family in the living room as well as bed room .Model of the house dream of indeed could just not the same for your every couple in the household. The dairy animals under lose system of housing are grouped together based on their age in case of growing animals and based on their physiological condition when they are adults. (c) Dairy farm building: The layout of dairy farm building is presented in Fig. Construct a raised goat house with a slatted floor, including an outdoor exercise area for the goats. 0 # Stephen Gacheru 2019-07-05 15:05 They are usually polled, meaning they are not horned. © Copyright 2020: Livestock Kenya. This type of housing allows goats to have protection from weather conditions while having open access to pasture. Good ventilation is essential but house should protect animals from wind and Local materials such as off-cuts, poles and sticks can be used. Use concrete or water drum. Insights on profitable dairy goat farming in Kenya: The Small East African Goat. Calliandra leaves, Leucaena leaves, sweet potato vines, Desmodium, fishmeal and dairy meal. In Kenya, goat milk production costs less than cow’s milk. Ask your local veterinary officer for advice on vaccines. Dairy goats have also excellent demand in Kenya. Foot rot, injuries, overgrown hooves, scabby mouth disease, Trim hooves, provide copper sulphate or formalin foot bath, vaccinate against scabby mouth disease, Ensure you are feeding sufficient forage and supplements for level of production. A suitable location is very necessary for starting a goat farm. Learn the basics of providing shelter, housing and fencing for your small farm goat operation. This is because consumers have come to prefer the goats’ milk to that of other livestock due to its nutritious and easy to digest qualities. Saanen dairy goats. Find a local dairy goat breeder who can sell you some. Read about Profitable goat farming in Kenya. So also with the use of decoration not too required so that the efficiency of the usage of the material material could optimized. This user guide will focus on indigenous type goats and provide some information that can guide a goat farmer and allow him or her to assess the herd’s performance. 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