CSS is used to design various styles for your web pages. CSS Tutorial » CSS background image opacity without affecting child elements. See Demo You can control which variants are generated for the text opacity utilities by modifying the textOpacity property in the variants section of your tailwind.config.js file. Auch hier können wir das direkt in der CSS … Opacity CSS Opacity is the degree of transparency of an element. The text is centered using ‘text-align: center’ As the text content is nested within the text box, all that is added with CSS in this scenario is padding. When we set a opacity to the parent element which has a background-image, the opacity is also inherited to its child elements. By default, only responsive, group-hover, focus-within, hover and focus variants are generated for text opacity utilities. By definition, opacity and transparency in CSS define how visible an element is, whether in images, tables, or even RGBA (red green blue alpha) color values. You can control which variants are generated for the opacity utilities by modifying the opacity property in the variants section of your tailwind.config.js file.. For example, this config will . Opacity effects, introduced in CSS3, allow you to change the transparency of HTML elements using the opacity property.. The opacity is the property of an element which describes the transparency of the element. But this tutorial will guide you how to handle this property effectively. Es gibt keine Erbe von der Opazität und Sie können einen anderen Wert CSS Opacity für das Element einstellen aber das Sub-Element wird noch durch die … < div class = " text-blue-500 text-opacity-75 md:text-opacity-50 " >