As we have already observed, in the African traditional religious thought, spirits are believed to dwell or inhabit certain trees, rocks or mountains, caves, rivers, lakes, forests, animals, human beings, the skies, the ground and other cites, carved or moulded objects, charms, amulets. Diviners are vital for communicating with the spirit world. The major focus of the book is discussing the need for studying ATR in twenty-first-century Africa whereby globalization and multi-culture are prominent phenomena. Western notions of the afterlife came to the Lupupans in the nineteenth century with the arrival of Christianity. The gods and goddesses often populate the expression of core community beliefs, and people make frequent and daily references to them. The diviner holds the chain by the middle and throws it on a mat, making a U shape, so that four nuts fall on each side of the mat. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most content. Often Muslim and European colonial traders, travelers, slavers, missionaries, military personnel, mercenaries, and administrators frequently recorded naive accounts of African cultural customs, traditions, and religions. Practitioners of traditional religions understand the founders of their religions to be God or the gods themselves, the same beings who created the universe and everything in it. Beidelman, T.O. Male initiates leave the village, and while they are still in the presence of family and friends, they remove their clothing. There is a continuing belief about the sacredness of lizards and chameleons in Zulu culture. In non-hierarchical societies individuals share authority and power equally. Another set, "Twins of Storm," retained authority to govern thunder and lightening. African cultures are, however, often flexible enough to absorb values and traditions from other religious belief systems. Various roles carry distinct names in West African languages. Another issue is conversion to Christianity and Islam in Africa, which has not only created conflicts between indigenous religions and these two traditions but also set Christianity and Islam against each other. In the creation story of the Abaluhya of Kenya, the Supreme Being, called Wele Xakaba, created the universe in a manner that resembles the seven-day creation of the world by God in the Bible, with the seventh day being a time of rest. By using local languages and converting Africans from their ancestral religions to Christianity, missionaries paved the way for early modernization and Western colonialism. Wild pigs protect and guide elungu and run errands for the ancestors. These two schools reflect an insidious racist ideology that influenced the initial study of African religions. oral culture may be as authentic as those communicated through the written word. Thus, to have many children who can preserve one's memory is to secure one's immortality. Every ethnic group in Africa has developed a complex and distinctive set of religious beliefs and practices. In Yoruba and Hausa-Fulani (Nigeria and Niger) societies, Muslims call traditional believers keferi (unbelievers) and people of jahiliyya (local and inferior tradition). The pantheon of deities is often given a collective name; for the Yoruba of Nigeria it is orisa, and for the Baganda of Uganda it is balubaale. It is taboo to bring unfavorable foods near the shrines, and devotees of these deities refrain from partaking of these foods. Among the adherents of an African religious tradition, however, these practices generally do not cause controversy. The message and sacrifices contained in Ifa verses are a genre of oral tradition; they preserve the Yoruba religious worldview through myths, proverbs, songs, and poetry. At times parents must care for their sibling's offspring. Rather, they have certain vital elements that function as core beliefs. Their studies avoided describing African cultures in indigenous terms. Theoretical Explorations in African Religion. African traditional religion (ATR) refers to the indigenous religious beliefs and practices of the African people. Various forms of divination exist in African societies. To the most senior set of twins Mawu-Lisa bestowed authority to rule the Earth. Bascom, William Russell. Turner, Victor W. The Ritual Process: Structure and Anti-Structure. This is because traditional weavers manufacture textiles from palm fronds and also because Ògún's preferred food and drink come from the oil palm tree. Priests and followers often wear white clothes as a sign of purity. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988. Welcome to the summary lecture of African Traditional Religions. There is hardly a topic or issue that Ifa fails to address. (January 12, 2021). Second, the physical well-being of a king reflects the well-being of his people, including their agricultural and hunting life. Because the spirits inhabit the natural world, no practical distinction exists between the natural and the supernatural world. The symbol can be found throughout Ghana. Practitioners of African traditional religions have been victims of conversion and intolerance. Attendants use natural objects to wash, clothe, and bury the body, which is often covered in animal skins, leather, cotton, bark cloth, or leaves. Using some illustrations from Nyumbanitu worship shrine located at Njombe in Tanzania, the book purports that there is a need to understand African people's worldview, their understanding of God, their religious values, symbols and rituals in order to enhance meaningful dialogue between Christianity and African people's current worldview. It is the most popular for decoration and can often be seen printed on cloth or stamped on pottery.The rapid spread of Pentecostal Christianity and fundamentalist Islam has greatly affected the role of indigenous religion in African society. Ifá: An Exposition of Ifá Literary Corpus. In contrast to structured Western religions, traditional African religions are organized with relatively little concern for formal structure. Sacrificial rituals and festivals in which food is shared reinforce the communal bond between the participants, the ancestors, God, and the lesser deities. There is no shame associated with it, because it is perceived as an expression of a relationship with the spirits of nature. "Myth and Cosmology." Temples are located all over the continent, especially among the ethnic groups in southern Africa, Ghana, Nigeria, and Uganda. The success of Islam is partially a result of its continued toleration of traditional beliefs and practices—or at least its allowance of indigenous beliefs to adapt to a form compatible with Islam. The most significant superhuman being is the Supreme God, who represents universality and greatness. Many traditional African religions believe in mysterious forces and magic. Kingship is integral to African belief systems for at least two reasons. Each has a life force devoid of physical form. They relied on the backing of European medicinal remedies and colonial military power. Because religion is a way of life, it relates to culture and society as they affect the worldview of the African people. From the 1500s to the 1900s the transatlantic slave trade took African religions to the Americas and the Caribbean. To the African people who espouse them, myths reveal significant events and episodes of the most profound and transcendent meaning. In addition to abstract forms, many religious artists borrow from forms found in nature—such as insects, trees, leafs, and animals—to produce intricate design motifs. This book highlights and discusses the common elements which introduce African Traditional Religion as one unified religion and not a collection of religions. Several other African cosmologies are also characterized by an emphasis on primordial disorder, conflict, or chaos. See our updated Privacy Policy to find out more about cookies and how we use your data. They profess habits of truth, justice, honesty, good character, and diligence. Oral myths elude permanent display on paper, stone, or other media; African traditional religions remain changeable according to the needs of their followers. On important occasions (such as hunting expeditions, healing ceremonies, and rites of passage), the faithful honor their gods, ancestors, and spirits with ritual festivals, ceremonies, divination, and animal sacrifice. Shrines, the most common religious structure, exist throughout Africa. 3 (1981): 724–45. The data comes from the Pew Research Center and it shows that Christians make up 50.9% of Africa’s population, followed by … Every aspect of it cannot be described as original. These objects emphasize that the body, conceived in the earth, returns to the earth. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1982. Various African cultures have developed intricate sets of ethical customs, rules, and taboos. Ifa divination spread in West Africa between the Edo of the Benin kingdom (now in southern Nigeria) and the Fon of the Republic of Benin, as well as among the people of African descent in the Caribbean, Brazil, and the United States. Africa 51, no. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986. Marriage rituals signify the betrothal of individuals to each other, to the lineage, and to the community. Many Africans practice ancestor veneration. This accounts for the varying figures that are sometimes seen in . In some societies this realm, called il, is considered to exist within the earth itself. They worship a number of the same deities—including Sango, god of thunder and lightning; Ògún, god of war and iron; Èsù, messenger of the gods; and Ifa, the god of divination. Mawu-Lisa positioned human beings in the region between the sky and the underworld, commanding humans to dwell there and to return to his own abode after a specified number of years. ." As in any democratic system, individuals may participate in ways that benefit their interests, their community roles, or their status as religious leaders. Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Practices. The palm tree design on a person's body signifies identification with Ògún. Suggest an Out-of-Print Title for Republication, Testimonials from Our Customers and Authors, Tips for Tracking Down a Hard-to-Find Book, Terms | Policies | Disclaimer | Copyright Notice. The elders determine what displeases the ancestors, whom to blame for the ancestors' displeasure with the living, and who will interpret the ancestors' will. Because they regulate an infinitely larger number of relationships and personal interactions, morals governing the community are complex. Nakedness is common in traditional African cultures. For example, in the Ba Kongo (a group of peoples who live in the Congo and Angola) and Kaguru (an ethnic group of Tanzania) societies, the elders are closest to the ancestors, and they wield much influence on how to consult and propitiate them. An example is the northern Yatenga society (of western Africa). Trained in the new method of "fieldwork"—which entailed observing participants and speaking the language of the community—these anthropologists worked for their governments. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1997. AU$25.00. Many people are involved in religious leadership, and a single religion can have priests, priestesses, sacred kings and queens, prophets, prophetesses, and seers, all of whom have been important religious leaders throughout the ages. Younger generations must care for their elders, children must obey their parents and elders, and parents must teach, provide, and care for their children. ." As a result, Islam and Christianity have become Africanized on the continent, significantly changing the practice of the two traditions and leading to a distinct African expression of them. With autonomy came a revitalized study of religions, which recognized the religious pluralism of independent countries. We have recently updated our Privacy Policy. A classic example is the regional cult of Mwari (a creator god) in western Zimbabwe and eastern Botswana. Major social concerns for followers of African traditional religions include poverty and the environment. had no notion of a Supreme God. Furthermore, scholars today assert that the supposedly accurate records of missionaries, colonial administrators, and the indigenous elite were susceptible to distortion. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. WELCOME TO OUR NEW WEBSITE!! Although the Supreme God is a creator god, the work of creating the universe, especially when such acts entail physical labor, is often delegated to subordinates who act according to the Supreme God's instructions. The gods and ancestors are guardians of morality. In Understanding Contemporary Africa, edited by A.A. Gordon and D.L. The oldest man of the family or community is often a priest, because he is the closest to the dead and has lived the longest life. Such natural spaces are usually set aside from everyday uses such as grazing cattle, washing clothes, and growing crops. These narratives are conveyed in a linguistic form that scholars often refer to as myth. In wisdom divination the client seeks help from a diviner, who uses certain divination instruments to diagnose the cause of illness and prescribes appropriate ritual sacrifices and medicine. In many instances the Kaguru ancestors are approached communally. In the case of drought, flooding, volcanoes, famine, illness, and other disasters, devotees offer a sacrificial animal to appease the spirit deity thought to be responsible for the calamity. Islam was readily adapted in many instances because of its compatibility, or at least tolerance of, traditional African religions. Even if followers of indigenous African religions convert to Christianity of Islam, they often continue to practice their traditional rituals. These are rituals performed to cement the bond of unity among a community or to celebrate the achievements of individual members of the group. Communities in the Congo, like many other African cultures, often view kinship, lineage, chieftaincy, and elderhood as factors that unite the ancestors with the living. £27.00 Zuesse, Evan M. Ritual Cosmos: The Sanctification of Life in African Religions. Clients listen to the poetic recital and identify aspects of it that relate to their problem. Because of the oral nature of African sacred They observe certain taboos, such as abstinence from sex, or they make pilgrimages to sacred forests, rivers, and mountains in honor of the deities. Female and male circumcisions are often a part, but not the focus, of initiation rites. African cosmology (explanation of the nature of the universe) tends to assert that there is a Supreme God who is helped by a number of lesser deities. 13 numbers of adherents of African religion. Much of the early authorship was conducted by anthropologists working for colonial governments or by Christian missionaries. In West Africa colleges gained autonomy during the struggle for independence in the 1960s. Scarification or tattoo is a permanent mode of cultural adornment signifying identification with beliefs; motifs are often based on abstract designs, leaf forms, and totemic flora and fauna. These sites include forests (or parts of forests), rivers, lakes, trees, mountains, waterfalls, and rocks. Gordon. Adherents to Western religions have sometimes viewed African religions as "inferior." AU$49.00, Elia Shabani Mligo (PhD, University of Oslo, Norway) is an employee of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania--Southern Diocese. For example, African cosmogony posits the existence of a Supreme Being who created the universe and everything in it. ple who primarily follow African traditional religion; however, there are also Christians and Muslims who still practice elements of traditional African religion alongside their professed beliefs. The religion of the Lupupan people of Congo (Kinshasa) illustrates how this belief is sustained in most African communities. Traditional religion in any culture affirms the identity of that culture, provides a source of knowledge, and defines a people's existence. A twin in Yoruba culture is forbidden to eat the meat of the colobus monkey, because the Yoruba believe that twins have kinship relationships with them. Even with the advance of literacy and the impact of Islam and Christianity in Africa, the king continues to function as a sacred canopy under which foreign traditions are subsumed and celebrated. Seasonal festivals commemorate annual events such as field preparation, planting, harvesting, hunting and fishing periods, and the New Year. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1994. Practitioners of African traditional religions are generally familiar with the symbols and icons, but often only a few trained individuals can interpret the significance of such symbolic and iconic forms, which are used to imply religious meaning in initiation, divination, and secret societies. In African traditional religions the cosmogony (theory of the origin of the universe) usually describes humans appearing near the end of creation. In a village one priest usually leads all other priests. African Traditional Religion has been evolving; there is in it the element of continuity as well as discontinuity. Birth, transition to adulthood, marriage, and death are four of the most prominent kinds of life events celebrated with religious ritual. Their traditional religions, however, are perhaps the least understood facet of African life. The traditional belief systems, spirituality and faith of West African peoples has been described in more or less disparaging terms over the course of history, broad terms that fail to reflect the complexity and depth of these beliefs: “paganism”, “animism”, “ancestor-worship”, “idolatry”, “fetishism”, “heathenism”, etc. Stockholm, Sweden: Almqvist and Wiksell International, 1991. $18.00 In most traditional African cultures morals are of two classes—those that govern individual conduct and those that govern social and community relations. As a female, Mawu is associated with the Moon and has power over the nighttime and the western universe. For instance, a girl born after the death of a grandmother or mother is called Yetunde or Iyabo ("mother has returned"), and a boy born after the death of a grandfather or father is called Babatunde ("father has returned"). Not every member of society performs all rituals; instead, a particular ritual may be prescribed for certain members of a community. Requirements for membership in an African indigenous religion have varied according to local traditions. The crisis of poverty in African traditional religions the sense of time is often associated a... In particular, both Islam and on Christian studies that had long dominated the religious pluralism of countries..., Mawu is associated with a great past to them adversely with European Christian beliefs,! Religious leaders include those who have been responding to a doctrine but is concerned with fecundity! 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