work from home guide ppt

Free Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template. Video calls, web conferences, and live streams got us all through 2020, but sometimes they can get a bit stale. Working remotely is the optimal alternative when there is a concern regarding contagious outbreaks. The most important thing to keep in mind when working from home and relying on such apps is to make sure they are genuinely making you and your team more productive. They are challenging to handle, and most meetings require a lot of time and effort on the […], 5 Practical Tips for Online Business Presentations, Apply these tips for online business presentations to wow your audience like never before! A thorough guide to working from home like this one wouldn’t be complete without talking about video conferences. The ideal scenario is to have a dedicated home office where you can work uninterruptedly. Working from home 101: Every remote worker's guide to the essential tools for telecommuting Mastering remote work is all about finding the right tools to stay productive and connected. The ideal scenario is to have a dedicated home office where you can work uninterruptedly. From designating a workspace to maintaining a routine, consider this your work-from-home survival guide. Imagine if, instead of figuring out your priorities as you go and working on whatever pops up next in your inbox, you had a game plan to maximize your productivity? They are easily applicable to most remote working jobs regardless of your industry. I agree to receive ManyCam newsletter containing news, update and promotions regarding ManyCam products and activities. It turns out, part of the solution to all of this is one and the same, working from home, also known as telecommuting. This environment has become extremely friendly for working from home. If that is out of your budget, don’t worry. Work TechCast, a virtual think tank based at George Washington University, forecasts that 30% of the employees in industrialized nations will telework 2-3 days a week by the year 2019. That’s when a thorough schedule comes in. With this digital bulletin board you can keep the essence of the office from home. This article brings together five practical and highly-effective tips for creating […], Choosing Create means that you agree to the. Many telecommuters make the mistake of not preparing themselves for video calls. California Work From Home Jobs | Work From Home - We offer Genuine Extra Income from Home as Part Time employments, Online Part Time Jobs, Online Data Entry Jobs, and so forth. Managers and employees both have to reshape how they work and build a good relationship while working from home. Todays office jobs more and more depend of digital assets, digital communications and remote interactions. It also allows you to “leave” work once you’re done. Online meetings have become an integral part of the new remote working model. The advantages of working from home are huge for businesses and telecommuters. Remote work from home may be new and foreign to some of you, but you might find that you really like it, once you break through the difficulties of adjusting to it. If you work from home, staying in your PJs can be tempting, but getting dressed for work helps you create a clear separation between work and personal life. A Work From Home Policy is an agreement between employer and employee that clearly defines the expectations and responsibilities for employees who work from home. IN JUST ONE YEAR! Stanford University conducted a two-year study on remote work and found that people who work from home are less likely to quit. The company Xerox has over 8,000 full-time remote employees. Not only should you appear as professional as possible, but also show your co-workers and leaders that you came prepared. – Nicholas Bloom, the professor of Economics who conducted the study. According to Global Workplace Analytics, work-at-home grew by 173% between 2005 and 2018, which is 11 times faster than the rest of the workforce, without including the self-employed population. It is a challenging situation to be […], How to Promote Live Streams: A Quick Guide, Do you need to learn how to promote live streams? Think of this as an improved to-do list. Extra tip: Set clear working hours, breaks, and boundaries. One crucial live video tool for presentations, onboarding training, and client support is screen sharing. After working from home went mainstream in the spring, many of our favorite home office essentials became impossible to buy online. With a remote work policy, companies can get ahead of such issues. Therefore, maintaining communication with your co-workers is crucial for your mental health and the business’ productivity. Only two years ago, 40% of global companies were already identified as hybrids, which means they have in-office employees but also support telecommuters (Owl Labs). In some cases, it is the only way teams can communicate with each other regarding the company’s operations. Remote meetings are a vital part of a company’s day-to-day operations. These are just a few of the many ways you can level-up your video conferences and work from home effectively. With a live video app like ManyCam, you can drastically expand your video conference toolbox on any platform. To increase your productivity as a telecommuter, you need to be your own boss in a way. We share what we’ve learned about managing remotely in the work-from-home guide. Then, they reserve the afternoon for administrative tasks, meetings, and calls. There are a few caveats when it comes to leading successful remote meetings. When you work remotely, your personal life tends to blend in with your job. It’s also a good idea to recommend that your employees discuss working from home with their home insurance provider. One way of making sure you step up your video conferences is to have a checklist in hand. One downside of working from home is that it can get lonely. In fact, in this study of 15 countries, including the US, UK, Japan, India, Brazil, Argentina, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Sweden, it was discovered that 41 percent of "highly mobile" employees (those who more often worked from home) considered themselves highly stressed as well, compared to only … This is the only guide you’ll ever need! Now, if your current living situation doesn’t allow you to find some peace and quiet, coffee shops have been the telecommuters’ go-to place for years. Working from Home: Tips for Productivity, Mental Health and Staying Healthy. When presenting your work from home, it might be difficult to find the right spot and make it look professional. You must be logged in to download this file. This way, attendees can still connect with you. Among those numbers, 16% of global companies were fully remote, and 44% didn’t allow remote work. Let us know in the comment section below! But, now that everyone is live streaming, how can your live […], Make your meetings more effective than ever with this quick guide to remote meetings! You can use that to your advantage and organize your tasks accordingly. Even if you don’t have the opportunity to work remotely yet, more companies are joining this trend for economic and safety reasons, so you need to be ready for the new market. These teacher-created home learning packs, activities, worksheets and booklets include subject, cross-curricular and topic-based resources to help keep learners engaged and continuing to study at home. When you work from home, it's important to make similar adjustments. If you're new to working remotely, these tips from a home-office … Other benefits to having home-based employees are: Apart from health benefits, working from home has fantastic advantages for employees who get such an opportunity, such as: One last overall advantage of working from home that’s worth mentioning is the impact on the environment. This great PowerPoint template with a girl on the laptop on the background will be a great choice for presentations on work from home, distance work, freelance, interactivity, informatics, information theory, working on-line, communication on-line, etc. This beta is for users with paid subscriptions only. Technology has allowed everyone to benefit from the flexibility of working from home when it’s needed or preferred. Regardless of what you have to present, keep your webcam view on the corner. Remote work is here to stay. Individuals who are keen on telecommuting can either work low maintenance or full time. Tags: increase productivity, manycam, productivity work from home, remote work, video conferences, work from home, work from home effectively, Apply these tips to conduct productive online meetings and make sure things run smoothly even without face-to-face interactions. The real-time connection with potential customers has been crucial for businesses worldwide during these challenging times. If you typical work nine-to-five hours, keep doing it at home. Before you finish your work for the day, take a few minutes to outline a plan for tomorrow. Whether you are a full-time remote worker, an occasional telecommuter, or simply contemplating the idea of working from home, the key is productivity. Since you're not confined to traditional hours or a traditional office, … The background chatter serves as white noise to help you focus. The outbreak of the coronavirus has more people working from home than ever. Home PowerPoint Templates Template Backgrounds Work From Home Corporate Policies PowerPoint Template. Work From Home Corporate Policies PowerPoint Template, Modern 1-Page Resume Template for PowerPoint. Improving work-life balance – The flexibility and control give telecommuters more time to enjoy life. Many companies use Slack, which is one of the many instant messaging platforms available for businesses and projects. One of the traps that can decrease your productivity when you work from home is choosing to work from your bed or the couch or any overtly comfortable seat. With the right live video tools, you can give your work its proper stage and make sure you get your message across. It’s a win-win situation, even if the employee has to come into the office now and then. It's easy to lose track of time and if you can't stick to a typical work-life balance, you may find yourself getting easily burnt out. It may also define who is eligible to work from home, the process for requesting work from … Some extra resources to help you step up your video conferences are: Video conferences are your opportunity to present your work. Even by cutting the need to commute in half, the greenhouse gas reduction could represent a huge “win” for the environment. With these tips, you can increase your productivity when you work from home and present your work effectively. Part of The Verge Guide to Working from Home If you’re starting to work from home or just got a remote position, you’re probably looking forward to … Sometimes, we don’t realize it, but we might be spending too much time managing these applications instead of the work itself. #1 provider of premium presentation templates for PowerPoint & Google Slides. As a remote worker, it’s important to keep in mind that your main form of contact with the company will be through video conferences, which means it’s your time to shine. If you can, use an external monitor or laptop stand (with an external keyboard and mouse) to prop up your screen. It can save you a lot of time and increase productivity when you work remotely to capture your desktop and explain as you demonstrate tasks. Slack isn’t the only app that should be part of your work-from-home productivity toolbox. While not all Americans are able or fortunate enough to work from home, many have transitioned to … Download Free Samples. The same study also showed an impressive increase in productivity from the home-based employees, since employees were seldom late or left early and had fewer distractions. In other words, if you work from home, you’re always at work. In between health crisis, environmental responsibilities, and budget cuts, working from home seems to be the all-in-one solution for companies and employees. For high-quality video conferences, your additional resources will matter more than the video conferencing platform itself. It also allows you to “leave” work once you’re done. There are a plethora of apps that can help you increase productivity when you work from home. Make sure that you always have your devices charged and ready to go, and that you have an outlet near you to charge if needed. During video calls, people get easily distracted, so boosting engagement is vital. Create internal Communications Brochures or Corporate Posters with our Work From Home Corporate Policies PowerPoint Template and generate a modern culture within your organization communicating effectively your messages. Before the deep dive, it’s important to understand why working from home is such a relevant topic in the business world and what are the benefits for companies as well as remote workers. If done right, it’s possible to […], Fun Video Call Ideas for the Holiday Season, After so many video calls, here is a list of some much-needed fun video call ideas and resources! After many video chats, just sitting in front of the webcam view doesn’t sound too exciting, which […], 8 Steps to Run a Successful Virtual Meeting, Running a successful virtual meeting is crucial for every company out there, and here are 8 steps to take! This program is in effect until April 30, 2021. Gain boundless cash from home. Add multiple video sources (images, videos and more), Easily switch between each source while live, Control video settings to put out the best possible quality, Use effects and digital objects if necessary, Use Chroma Key to replace your background, Record your video conference for reference or repurposing, Control video & audio settings to increase the quality, Draw and write on the screen to highlight important information. Here are a few suggestions to present your work from home like a pro: Your background matters during video calls. Not surprisingly, Fortune 1000 companies around the world began to change their infrastructure since employees are mobile, and studies show that desks are empty 50% of the time. How To Work From Home: Life Kit Millions of people are trying to work from home because of the coronavirus.Life Kit wants to help WFH work for you, especially if … Whether you are a consultant, freelancer, or a business owner, knowing how to create compelling online business presentations is an absolute must! Giving your employees money to buy a home office chair is great but helping them buy a great chair is even better. The Chroma key feature on ManyCam allows you to use images or any video source as your background while on video calls and conferences. Every employee faces unique challenges right now, and every employee will approach this situation differently. Todays office jobs more and more depend of digital assets, digital communications and remote interactions. ergoCentric’s Next Day Shipping program lets our customers’ employees easily access some of our bestselling products at an accessible price to make working from home ergonomic. The main metaphors are related to industry wide recommendations, that allow great flexibility. Jump straight to the tips to work from home effectively! It also showed an overall 50% attrition decrease among home-based workers. The statistics speak for themselves; the benefits of working from home are huge for all parties involved if you work from home effectively. Support learners complete school work at home using these prepared home learning resources created and shared by teachers around the world. Engagement can be created in several ways. Distractions at home: We often see photos representing remote work which portray a parent holding a child and typing on a laptop, often sitting on a sofa or living-room floor. But even before COVID-19 became a factor, increasing numbers of … So, even if you aren’t a telecommuter yet, it could happen soon. Here is what Diane O’Connor, Xerox’s VP, had to say in 2015 about telecommuting: “Annually, Xerox teleworkers drive 92 million fewer miles, saving 4.6 million gallons of gas, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by nearly 41,000 metric tons and saving over $10 million.”. It’s safe to say that the latest news around contagious diseases and climate crises have pushed companies to take a closer look at remote work. One of them is to switch between video sources to enrich your presentation. Just download PPTX and open the theme in Google Slides. By turning off 7 PCs when not in use, Matheny saves: 12,737 lbs of Co2 8,491 Most people freelancing work from home feel that their productivity is greatly enhanced when using pomodoro. Testing the work from home program: If you are implementing a work from home policy, take the time to evaluate its effectiveness after at least six months. It can also mean you find yourself working sporadically throughout the days, evenings and weekends which can negatively impact the work-life balance you are striving for. That’s when the green screen effect comes in handy. Work From Home Corporate Policies PowerPoint Template is a professional presentation created to help organizations describe their Working from Home (aka WFH) policies and communicate them in a visual and practical way. Research on Stress and Working From Home . One of the most simple, and yet effective, ways to work from home effectively is getting ready to go to work as if you had to go to the office. 10 Canal Street, Suite 236, Bristol, PA 19007 (215) 891-9501 The Ultimate Small Business Guide To Setting Up A ‘Work From Home’ Or Remote Netwo… Look for a place that allows you to connect your equipment and setup comfortably (but not too much). For those who are not used to working … Working from home can be your chance to thrive when you step up your video conferences and boost your productivity. If that is out of your budget, don’t worry. 20 Tips for Working From Home The outbreak of the coronavirus has more people working from home than ever. While world leaders search for solutions against health and environmental crises, companies look for ways to cut costs and employees yearn for work-life balance. The video conferencing app your company uses might vary. Plus, keep in mind that you might need specific equipment for video conferences, so it’s always a good idea to have them nearby. The user can change the background image for more suitable stock, replace the icons with any of our clipart PowerPoint Icons of change any of the texts. Technological advancements are made every day, and they make it possible for most fields to adhere to some form of remote work. Some prefer Skype or Webex, while others go with Zoom or GoToMeeting. What are your thoughts on telecommuting? For example, you can add images, videos, PowerPoint presentations, and websites to your video calls to reinforce specific points in the discussion. Subscribe today and get immediate access to download our PowerPoint templates. This not only applies for entrepreneurs, but also for big and established organizations. Add live video tools to your video conferences with ManyCam today! The policy defines the expectations, responsibilities, the eligibility and the other work from home guidelines. Here’s our suggestion: Throughout the day, our productivity tends to ebb and flow, which is normal. This includes reinforcing inclusion, checking in often, and coaching your teammates to help discover their own best practices for remote work. Some remote workers choose to set up on the corner of the dinner table, and others go for the kitchen counter. A work from home policy is nothing but an agreement between the employer and the employees who prefer to have the work from home privileges. With ManyCam, you get to apply the features mentioned above to your web conferences and you can also: One of the traps that can decrease your productivity when you work from home is choosing to work from your bed or the couch or any overtly comfortable seat. As an employer, you should tell your employer’s liability insurance company that you’re arranging remote working for your staff. Group similar tasks and highlight the most important ones. That can be dangerous and counterproductive, especially if one of your goals is to improve your work-life balance. Regardless of your industry, the global shift to working from home instead of in-office is clear. Today, companies across the globe are embracing remote working styles. In this blog post, we’ll take a deep dive into each of these tips so that you can improve your telecommuting life and work from home effectively. Work From Home Corporate Policies PowerPoint Template is a professional presentation created to help organizations describe their Working from Home (aka WFH) policies and communicate them in a visual and practical way. As the CDC (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention) recommends, employees should stay home when feeling sick to prevent spreading viruses. Not only that but also as the number of remote workers grows within a company, communication can suffer. More will likely do the same as we continue to see the effects of the virus. Adjust the program based on your findings. Set and Stick to a Schedule. The first step to clearly divide your day between work and personal life is to follow your morning routine, as you would to go to the office, and then go to your designated work area. Working from home can be a lonely enterprise in this era of social distancing, but it doesn't have to be. Working from home is here to stay, so we also need to update the ways we communicate between employees. More opportunities – Not bound by geographic location, remote workers can find more opportunities for quality employment, once they get past the work-from-home scams. “We found a massive, massive improvement in performance — a 13% improvement in performance from people working at home,”. For instance, some people perform better in the morning and prefer to tackle their most demanding work in that period. With the continued spread of COVID-19, many companies have asked their employees to work from home. It has an informal and striking design, with handwritten-style typeface, chalkboard and post-its slides and predominant colors of yellow, pink and purple. Business presentations play an enormous role in success. While it can seem like a simple transition, working from home can be challenging, especially when it comes to productivity, communication and motivation. If you're new to working remotely, these tips from a home … Features: Working From Home PowerPoint Templates Fully and easily editable (shape color, size, and text) This template has a color theme and will automatically apply color when copied and pasted It includes a customizable icon family with 135 different icons (Fully editable) This also means, once you’re done for the day, you move away from your work. It’s easy to work on your laptop for a few hours on the weekend, but doing so for 40-plus hours a week can lead to back, shoulder, and neck strain. Working from home has its benefits and its challenges, and every organization should discuss with their employees the expectations, otherwise abuse or can be seen or even without realize it, employees can lower their performance, affecting other peoples careers and their own. 2. -work environment-work equipment-mental wellbeing-travelling-working alone-fire. Trusting your employees: One of the most crucial elements of a work from home policy isn’t included in the actual document. It forces you to work in sprints for anywhere between 20 to 90 minutes and then forces you to take a break. Regardless of the app, you need to have your video conferencing equipment ready. This template is 100% editable. During the day, make sure you check-in with your co-workers and with your boss. Working remotely doesn’t mean you should work from home 16% of global companies were fully remote, The basics of lighting and why it matters, Replace your background with images and videos, Increasing workforce diversity when hiring worldwide, Prolonging careers of talented employees with mobility issues or restrictions, Saving money – On average, remote workers can save up to. Pomodoro is a well-known time management tool that allows you to micromanage your breaks. The work-from-home job force just got a big push from the current global coronavirus pandemic. Live streams recently became the go-to content for many brands. To some form of remote work study on remote work work-life balance update and regarding. Your staff ) to prop up your video conferencing equipment ready receive ManyCam newsletter containing news, and! Study work from home guide ppt remote work this situation differently tackle their most demanding work in period... 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work from home guide ppt 2021